championing women, eliminating waste, empowering local artisans


hal:hab’s mission is to create a positive impact by championing women, eliminating waste, and empowering local artisans. We are committed to fostering a world where women are empowered to reach their full potential, waste is minimized, and the beauty of local craftsmanship is celebrated. Through our visionary project, we aim to redefine the way we consume and produce, prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility. By crafting exquisite handcrafted products and promoting sustainable practices, we strive to inspire a movement that embraces conscious living and leaves a lasting legacy for future generations. Our mission is to unleash the boundless potential within individuals, communities, and the world, one step at a time.


We are a social enterprise that employs women.

  • We advance by empowering women, reducing waste and supporting local artisans.
  • We provide fair international remuneration to our talented women who are our profit partners.
  • We ensure sustainability by producing long-lasting and durable bags as opposed to rampant consumerism.
Our Responsibilities
  • To produce locally sourced and responsibly,
  • To minimise transport distances and keep our carbon footprint as low as possible, we source every component of every bag as close as possible and deliver our products to the customer at the closest distance,
  • With every bag purchased, helping a woman to be employed in fair and decent conditions above international standards,
  • It is one of our responsibilities to utilise existing waste and not to create a carbon footprint.

Meet Sera

The Founder

About sera
At the tender age of 27, I am fueled by a passion to make a difference and contribute to a more just and equitable world. My heart and each hal:hab advocate’s heart, yearns to empower women and champion their rights in the face of climate adversity. It is my belief that every woman deserves financial independence, the freedom to thrive, and the opportunity to shape her own destiny. Through our work with hal:hab, we aim to create meaningful change by combining academic knowledge, practical experience, and unwavering determination.
Be present, be you, be the change


The name “hal:hab” is a fusion of two elements: “hal” and “hab.” “Hal” is derived from the concept of a wholesale market in Turkish, traditionally associated with male dominance. By incorporating “hal” into our name, we aim to challenge gender norms and create an inclusive space that defies geographical boundaries.

The word “hab” carries significance as it means “breath” in Arabic. It represents the essence of life, energy, and the collective spirit that drives us forward. It symbolizes our commitment to breathe new life into communities, foster positive change, and empower individuals. It is also the way to pronounce “hub” in Turkish.

Together hal:hab is a unique, new generation, limitless art & artisan hub, which serves as a breath to whomever may need.

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